هذا الطلب مزود بنظام أمني و للحماية ضد الإحتيال والغش فإن عنوان الآى بى الخاص بك ( مسجل في النظام
Why choose our services
The quality of our support is unmatched
We take support one step further by tailoring our replies to suit your knowledge, expectations and personality.
We're passionate about what we do
What sets us apart from the competition is that we're passionate about the products/services we provide and quality of support.
We welcome and act on your feedback
We're always looking to improve every aspect of our business. From more features all the way to more frequent tutorials.
The Customer's Opinion
My experience with Dedicated Server Bulgaria has been nothing short of
great. The level of support provided with my servers has
been incredible. I will recommend their services to all of my business partners.
Nathan UK
Dedicated Server BG is the most reliable company I have come across for
100 Mbits unmetered dedicated servers. If you're looking for Bulgarian dedicated server here is the place! Get your server today and see why!
Adelle France
I've been a customer with Dedicated Server BG for over 5 years. They provided me the top notch services since I ordered my first managed server with them. One of the greatest business partners I have ever had!
George USA
Secure Payments Care
We work with the leading payment processors in the world in order to assure that all clients transactions are made in a secure and trustful environment.